A review by itadakinasu
The Rose Society by Marie Lu


This is the first time I've ever read a sequel that blew away the first in a series.

Adelina here is at her worst, which is also her best. All the angst from The Young Elites grew into hate, anger, and bitterness in The Rose Society. These are emotions I can get behind, much stronger and more interesting than angst. Now we don't just have perceptions of betrayal to work with; we have actual betrayals and false hopes. This makes her fury and mercilessness understandable and even justifiable.

Although Adelina is, without a doubt, a cruel and unstable person, it's hard not to sympathize with her. She wants to be loved and accepted, but time and again, she's rejected. She tells herself that she shouldn't trust, and when she does, it always comes back to bite her. That being said, I really didn't like how she treated Violetta throughout the story. Clearly, this is intentionally written and even believable after Violetta and Adelina's childhood. But I just can't accept that. Of course, this is a good flaw for Adelina, being so full of piss and vinegar that she takes it out on people who don't deserve it.

Also, I'm so glad that Lu finally confirmed my theory from The Young Elites!

This book takes everything great about the first book and brings it to a whole new, much more awesome level. I felt so many emotions while reading this: sadness at broken friendships, tension at the conflicting romantic feelings, anger at both Adelina and the people who betrayed her, and hope that Adelina will eventually be redeemed. I can't wait for the next in the series!