A review by carosene
Virgin Territory by Celeste Lecesne

Let me just start off by saying I didn't finish this book. I made it to maybe page fifty before I could no longer take it.

I really don't know how to sum up this book, since I didn't experience much of it, but alas, I will attempt... It was boring. The MC, Dylan, was boring. The descriptions were boring. Just boring. I really think this has the potential of being a John Green-esque self discovery novel, but I couldn't connect with it enough to find out.

Let's meet the MC:

Dylan: Rough home life, an asshat of a father, and a mother who's passed on. His thoughts in a sentence, 'My life sucks and so does everyone in it.' AKA, mopey to no end. I get that the dude has a rough home life, but he's portrayed as the kind of person who curses at the Sun for being bright. I really would've liked to stick around and see how he progressed, but I just couldn't stand the kid. Also, I really disliked the way the difference between the relationship Dylan had with his mother and the relationship he now has with his father was presented. When discussing his mother he uses, 'mom' which is normal, but always refers to his father as Doug. 'Doug said this, Doug did that, Doug sucks eggs.' It got to be a bit too much. But, hey, I'm not the author.

Summing it up:

I don't have anything else to say about this really, but that I do plan on returning to this someday. It just wasn't something I was into this week. I wasn't intending on bashing this book or author, it just was not happening for me. Hopefully someone else will adore this story and every word in it.