A review by veronica87
Wedding Bells, Magic Spells by Lisa Shearin


I was so looking forward to this self-published return to the world of Raine Benares but it just didn't quite live up to expectations. It was decent but there was too much recapping going on and some of it wasn't necessary at all. Do we really need to know the history of everything that happened in a room just because Raine walks into it? Especially when it's nothing more exciting than a conference room? I think not.

On the plus side, the gangs all back together - initially for Mychael and Raine's wedding and later to save the world - again - from the latest, yet familiar, threat to the Seven Kingdoms. We didn't get enough Tam though and I was hoping, after that kiss that Imala planted on him in the last book, that we'd get more development on that front. I understand though that the author is planning on a Tam centric book so hopefully that will cast more illumination on a possible romantic HEA for our favorite goblin.

I thought this was to be the last Raine book but with that ending, there has to be more coming. I'm hoping the next book will be back to classic Raine Benares fighting form.

ETA: Checked the author's blog and it seems she is planning for at least two more books to finish out this new story arc. The next book will be from Tam's POV and the book after that will return to Raine's POV.