A review by sabregirl
Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George


I just LOVED this novel. It's such an interesting take on the Cinderella tale, strike that it's an ORIGINAL twist on the Cinderella tale. The only bad thing that I can think about it is that it was fairly predictable. When the middle of the novel came around and everything was on the plate it wasn't hard to see where things were going. But that does not detract from the loveliness of the book.

Poppy is a great heroine, she was mentioned a lot in the first book being the strong one out of the girls. This delves deeper into her personality and you see that while she has strength that scaring effect of the dancing curse lingers. Her constant nightmares hint that curses aren't as easily forgotten once they are through. It'll be interesting to see the outcome of all of that in the last novel. I liked that Poppy had a much deeper level to her. She grew throughout the novel which was great to see, in the beginning she was just a tough girl, but as things grew worse the cracks appeared but it worked out of for the best.

The love hexagon or what ever it turned out to be was adorable. The slightest hints that things were happening were nice. It had some of the funnier moments that's for sure. I loved the knitting was still around. The fact that it helps ward off evil is too funny.