A review by kara_jane
My Husband's Wife by Jane Corry


In [b:My Husband's Wife|31227076|My Husband's Wife|Jane Corry|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1471284547s/31227076.jpg|45514375] by [a:Jane Corry|15241064|Jane Corry|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1485797349p2/15241064.jpg] you have a story that starts fifteen years earlier. You meet Lily and Ed newly weds living in a small flat in London, Lily is a criminal lawyer and Ed is a struggling artist. Next door to them you meet Carla a nine year old Italian girl and her mother Francesca. When Carla gets introduced to Lily you soon fine out she may only be nine but she already knows how to get her way by twisting the truth to suit her needs.

Lily is home from her honeymoon from Italy when she gets her first murder case, the murderer is Joe Thomas. She is has a connection with him where she is and will risk everything for him.

Fast forward Twelve years Lily and Ed have a child together named Tom. He is not your typical eleven year old, he has meltdowns over the smallest things and can be violent is someways. Ed is now a well known artist. Carla is now 23 years old and studying law.

As the story progresses there is heart break, confusion and the stress of the unknown. "My Husband's Wife" was an amazing novel and well written.