A review by dorkphoenixrising
The Woman in Black: Angel of Death by Martyn Waites


Note to self: Do not stay up til midnight reading scary books- you will not thank yourself for it! After reading The Woman in Black I went straight into this kind-of-a-sequel-kind-of-not-a-sequel. I got super confused because I thought it was a film tie-in edition (which it says it is) but the author's note explains that the film ends differently... So I guess I'm gonna have to watch the film (dammit). It's clear from the word 'go' that this doesn't even come close in style to Susan Hill's original novel. This instalment is filled with a lot more creepy ass faces than the first so was more scary. I'm so annoyed that Harry died because he was seemingly the one character that had an effect on Jennet; he got over his fear, he was powerful and she couldn't influence him. Then the house falls down on him. I'd like to see a third and final book which gets rid of old pasty-face for definite.