A review by mariahaskins
The Prodigal's Foole by R.B. Wood


The Prodigal's Foole follows the magically gifted Symon Bryson, who is thrown back into the world of magic, hell, and demons - which he left behind a decade ago -after his old mentor is abducted by a demon from hell. It's a terrific read: fast-paced, entertaining, with a whole lot of diabolical chills and a self-deprecating and often rather funny protagonist. It mixes the paranormal, horror, a bit of romance (but not too much!), and flat-out action through the entire story. It

The book switches between the present and the past, exploring the cataclysmic event that caused Bryson to abandon his calling, and Wood's clear and well-crafted prose keeps the story gripping and brisk from start to finish.

I really liked the characters in the story: they might not be majorly fleshed out (apart from Bryson, our protagonist), but they feel real and engaging none the less. Another thing I really liked was the original take on magic and the Catholic church: with the church actually knowing about and training people in the "arcane arts". As the story raced towards its conclusion I had a very hard time putting this book down, and I confess it kept me up way past my bedtime.