A review by greebytime
Us Against You, by Fredrik Backman


My god...I can't believe how good this book is. The sequel to [b:Beartown|33413128|Beartown (Beartown, #1)|Fredrik Backman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1482108618l/33413128._SY75_.jpg|54171514] and the second in a trilogy, author Fredrik Backman does such a good job continuing the story and making it so powerful and human.

Another reviewer here compared this to Friday Night Lights and I think that's super valid - in terms of the TV show. Because that told the story of a town, and of the players on the team - but it was also so powerful it got me to tears more often than not. And being honest, so did this book. Backman has a way of writing that drops in a powerful quote that feels natural and brutal and so, so perfect that it hits exactly right, and hits you in the heart with a hammer.

The story continues from where Beartown left off, but builds more to a rivalry with nearby town Hed, and how the fallout from the rape in Beartown continues to shape how neighbors treat each other and how sports and fandom can influence some truly awful behavior. But it also shows us the good side of people and of course, this is often where I was truly moved.

Is the book perhaps a bit manipulative and unrealistic in terms of how some people act? I think so. And I don't care at all. I absolutely LOVED this book (even more than the first) and can't wait to read [b:The Winners|60318890|The Winners (Beartown, #3)|Fredrik Backman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1645483248l/60318890._SY75_.jpg|76192150], the final book in the trilogy.