A review by girlwithhearteyes
A Contracted Spouse for the Prizefighter by Alice Coldbreath


4.5 stars 

I was absolutely *giddy* while listening to this audiobook. 

Theo(dora) was the star of the show — sweet, enthusiastic, and incredibly driven. She wants to be a stage actor, and her response to being told to get in the kitchen is to proposition marriage to Clem Dabney, the showy, new money type who clearly wants a piece of her theatre, in return for a place on the stage. Possibly one of my favourite FMCs ever! 

Meanwhile Clem keeps telling himself “I’m just being a considerate husband as a pretense” while doing the whole “why do keep thinking of Dora and how to make her happy…?” thing. He basically spent the whole time figuratively rubbing his chest in confusion, and breathing all heavy whenever he thought another man was sniffing around. 😂

The wedding night explorations managed to kind of awkward, hilarious, but also 🥵🥵🥵. 

I do think the story could have been a bit shorter (the last 20% or so could have been tighter), but I was also kind of happy to just stay in the universe.