A review by rereader33
Yuri is My Job!, Volume 5 by Miman


Updated reread on 6/5/2020:

I fucking love this series so fucking much, you have no fucking idea. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Original review posted on 1/9/2020:

I am now going to give the three main reasons why this is swiftly becoming one of my favorite yuri/romance/drama series of all time:

1. EVERYONE IS AWFUL AND I LOVE IT. What I mean by that is everyone's horrible personality traits are front and center in this series and I love it because, you may want to sit down for this, MOST PEOPLE HAVE HORRIBLE PERSONALITY TRAITS. Despite this, usually said characters are seen as villains, antagonists, or their horrible personality traits are washed away by the goodness that is the main character and hold up, give me a moment, gotta go vomit.

I've grown more and more fond of unlikable main characters since they add a different dynamic to the story and it's interesting watching their growth (assuming its handled well). Hime's character is handled really well because she's so honest about her manipulation and is so proud of it, yet it causes her so much trouble so her actions aren't condoned. I also love how, despite these flaws, she's willing to help and actively seeks out help in order to be more useful. It shows how people can have horrible personalities, but still do the right thing or be good people.

2. Communication is HARD AS FUCK. If there is one thing I can absolutely appreciate about this series, it's showing how hard communication is and how easy it is to fuck it up. Yano reminds me a lot of myself and how hard it was for me to find the "right answer" when interacting with others, but her plight doesn't seem unrealistic or overly dramatic. People are fucking difficult to read and unless someone explains unspoken rules it's damn near impossible to interpret what people say correctly. While I don't necessarily agree with the idea that you should "act kinder and it will eventually become a part of you," but interacting with others can be considered a form of acting, so it's not entirely wrong. Just has a manipulative undertone to it.

3. The drama is balanced. There's enough melodramatic shit going on to keep me invested, but it's not like someone's recovering from their family being murdered or was neglected for years as a child. It's just normal, miscommunication bullshit that keeps the drama going and I actually really like it. I want to know how these characters are going to grow and what relationships will form from said growth.

That's all that I want to say. I really do love this series and was rereading the last two volumes in preparation for this one. Can't wait for volume 6!