A review by spiffysarahruby
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire, Volume 1: Iron Eclipse by John Ostrander


I’m still pretty new to the world of graphic novels and this is my first exposure to Star Wars that wasn’t one of the movies. I ended up reading this graphic novel, like many before it, because the boyfriend brought it home from the library and gave it kudos.

I grew up on Star Wars so it was fun to see Han and Chewie in print (Holy god, I had to laugh at all the Chewie dialogue though—“Rawrr Rarww!” –Really?!?). Han’s lines were classic, but I would have liked to see a little more original snark, but that’s just me. I still loved him anyway—he’s Han Freaking Solo after all!

Cross was interesting. Like I said above, I haven’t had any exposure to any Star Wars other than the movies, so to meet a character who is pro-Empire, anti-Republic—but still a good guy, that was kind of interesting.

If the boyfriend brings home more Cross adventures, I’ll probably go ahead and read those too.