A review by bookwormbetty
Storm the Gates by Elizabeth Dear


Loved this book. I cannot wait for the next one. It's not a super long read which made it easy to devour in a couple hours. The plot is amazing, the characters are complicated, and the world building is great. The characters are all in a huge conflict, actually more than one, and to see how they work it out mentally is great. The story so far is told in Jolie's point of view, I don't know if that is going to change any with the next book, I would love it to, I love the multiple pov, but if it doesn't it's not a deal breaker for me.
I was sucked into this book from the get go. It is VERY heavy on the bully, most of it you do not actively read, it's just mentioned, the author saves the major stuff for you to read, and revel in how horrid people are. The secondary characters are some of my favorite to date, and I can't wait to see what happens from here.