A review by moeinesmaeeli
Crude Nation: How Oil Riches Ruined Venezuela by Raúl Gallegos


Although sometimes this book got me bored, it was interesting.This book resembles my own country, Iran. It's really easy to replace "Venezuela" with "Iran" and have a new book. Price control, subsidy, free houses for the poor, ideological government, devaluation of national currency, power and water outage... .

This book tries to explain how Venezuela came to this disaster and it has a more historical approach than economical( I don't have much knowledge about economy anyways). If you are interested in Venezuela or live a country that is following the same path, I think this book can help you.

A quote from the book:

"It may also require a more educated population. Giving Venezuelans a compulsory and basic economic education is of paramount importance. The country will continue to make the same mistakes of the past century if people lack the basic understanding of the way money works and the problems that have shaped Venezuela into what it is today. Children must learn early on the source of the problems of their oil-drunk nation."