A review by bridget_h
East Coast Girls by Kerry Kletter


I was a little wary going in - I didn't finish this pre-Labor Day - should I read a summer book post-Labor Day?? Well, despite the cover, this book isn't really a "beach book" - small point - but the main action does seem to occur in the shoulder season in Montauk which is a nice change from typical touristy-driven books. And the storyline between the friends was a lot deeper and more complex - and just smarter - than I had expected. The trauma that occurred years ago was legit - not some teenager drama that lingered and broke up a friendship. These women are dealing with a lot and the book presents it well. I think everyone can find one (or more) characters to relate to as well. It is still a great beach or vacation book because it's so engrossing, I think most will tear through it in just a few days!