A review by errantdreams
Clash of Magic by Linsey Hall


The negative: these books can be fairly formulaic, and this is the thirteenth book involving the Undercover Protectorate. In all of these books, with all of their massive climactic battles (at least one major battle per book), I can’t recall any of the major characters at the UP ever truly seeming in danger of losing their lives, or getting hurt in a manner that a healer can’t easily patch up. Given the odds they routinely face, this is wearing at the willing suspension of disbelief. It’s also making it hard to believe that there’s truly so much at stake.

That said, this book is less formulaic than some of them. There are a handful of major parts to the tasks at hand, some of which only start off seeming tangentially related at most, rather than the usual single focused obvious task. It’s a nice bit of variety.

I love how the Amazons have worked to fit into the modern world. I hope we get to see more of them in Rowan’s next two books. I’m also curious to see what new powers Rowan has coming to her, and what she does with them!

This installment isn’t as memorable as some, but it has some nice variety and, as usual, a great climactic battle. I’m looking forward to the next two books!

Original review posted on my blog: http://www.errantdreams.com/2018/12/review-clash-of-magic-linsey-hall/