A review by zenalth
The Archon by Catherine Fisher


2.5 stars.

I love Fisher's ideas and her vivid, wild imagination, but her execution always leaves me wanting.

So it was with The Oracle and so it is with this sequel. The journey into the desert to find the Well of Songs was filled with dangers that were all resolved too quickly and too easily. Most of their trials were solved by Alexos becoming the god or by working some divine miracle. Seth, Oblek, the Fox and the Jackal felt like they had little use beyond brawling and acidly snapping at each other to create tension. Despite their long and arduous journey, it did little to stir me.

The political rivalry within the Nine, and between them and Argelin, didn't do much for me either. It was a repetition of everything we'd seen in the first book. Rhetia's stirring shit up as usual. Chryse is still a self-serving bastard. But Hermia. Oh man, she was a pleasure to read in this one. Her development made me see her in a whole new light.
Spoiler I would have loved to have had more time with her. It's an unfortunate delight that she died so viciously at the hands of her lover. Definitely keen to see the fallout of such a cataclysmic event on Argelin.

On that note, I did enjoy the characters' growth. Seth finally decides on his true allegiance. Mirany steps up for the god, even if it seems to lead her down ever more dangerous paths. The Jackal finally gets fleshed out, complete with a backstory and demons to boot. I really enjoyed Oblek's painful sobering; you needed it, old friend.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. I'm not sure I really care to continue the series, but I'll probably finish it just for completion's sake.