A review by sinesi
The Eye of Minds by James Dashner


Considering I bought it five years ago at the airport on a whim, picked it up once and quit at page 20, I shouldn't have expected much of it.

The characters were so boring, just vessels. I had no clue what were any of their personalities: a tech savvy guy, messy hair girl and I-gotta-be-brave-and-a-leader main character Michael. One of the characters was literally so stupid, having complete lack of surroundings. You deserved to die, dumbass! Honestly, the creepo, who was constantly telling Michael "you doing fantastic babe" seemed to be the most interesting character of them all. There seemed to be pointless romance that was, as you guessed it, totally unnecessary!

The plot was so linear. And by that I mean, if most books have a huge moment, drama, happier and quieter period, then drama and big moment again, then this book was just ongoing plot consisting of dramatic moments and no breathers. It got boring so fast, because all the "cliffhangers" were written in a way as if they would shock me to the Core, but they didn't. There was a riddle that apparently was sO oBvIoUs, but half of the riddle was useless? There was a game, which was constantly said to be medieval and brutal and caveman-like, which had no effect whatsoever, because everything is "not real" and most can be solved by hacking. Too much tell instead of show.

The things in the world also didn't make much sense. The organisation can just recruit teenagers, fuck school and real life, and if they refuse OOPS you are cut off the world. HOW IS THIS ALLOWED, what kind of shitty government there is. There was a war of Greenland in 2022 in this universe, because they found gold in there... what the fuck.

Maybe, I'm a bit harsh and if I were younger, I might have liked it, but seriously. Path leaves the weak spots - WHAT COULD BE THE PURPOSE OF THAT :o Of course, literally anyone who Michael met had to keep him in suspense OMG YOU DON'T KNOW? SOON ENOUGH YOU WILL just to drag the reader along and acting as if the book is SO MYSTERIOUS and you have to continue reading this garbage.

I thought the plot twist was gonna be obvious one, because they won't go for the dumbest shit, right? WRONG.


What, is this Spy Kids: Game Over? This is the stupidest plot twist ever, I didn't even think of it, because IT'S THAT STUPID.