A review by neuroticwriter
The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


Wow!! Just wow!! I got a sample of this book and got hooked from page one. I love the way Jessica Sorensen writes. You get to see from both characters sides, getting in deep.

Callie is a shy girl with a very deep dark secret that she feels she can never tell anyone, because no one will understand. Being the 'freak' in high school, she tries to branch out and change herself her first year in college. Become more confident in her own skin but still trying to deal with her inner demons. She meets Seth. Who she feels like she can open up to and tell her secrets to. After having a summer away from home, away from her high school tormentors, the fall semester starts. And in comes Kayden, a guy she knew from high school.

Kayden is so happy to be away from home. To mainly get away from his father and his controlling abusive nature. With both of his brothers out of the house and his mother a drunk who doesn't really care about what happens in the house, Kayden has been dealing with the brunt of all of his father's beatings. Now with a football scholarship and being 6 hours from home, he finally feels like he can start living. Or at least try. Until he sees Callie and all the memories of the night she saved his life come rushing back to him. He wants to talk to her to explain what happened, to thank her, and to get to know this person who would step up to his father.

The more Kayden gets to know her and the more Callie lets go of some of her secrets, they find they save each other in many ways.

The story is so heart wrenching. I just want to grab them both at times and just hug them. I cried. I laughed at Seth. I wanted to punch Caleb. I was involved emotionally. With having the alternating POVs throughout the chapters, you never had to guess what the other character was thinking or how they were going to react about things. It was very refreshing.

The only thing I didn't like was that some of the editing bothered me. I found myself wanting to grab a red pen and marking up my kindle. But it wasn't so much that it distracted me from the actual book.

Be forewarned. The book ends with a HUGE cliffhanger. I about chucked my kindle across the room at 4:30 this morning. (yes I stayed up all night reading it.) The next book comes out on Feb. 28th 2013. I have my countdown set on my computer.