A review by bellatora
The Worlds We Make by Megan Crewe


[b:The Way We Fall|8573632|The Way We Fall (Fallen World, #1)|Megan Crewe|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1316718389s/8573632.jpg|13442456] was a very solid addition to the bloated young adult apocalypse/dystopia genre. [b:The Lives We Lost|13449858|The Lives We Lost (Fallen World, #2)|Megan Crewe|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1352659327s/13449858.jpg|18971225] demonstrated why the fate of the world should never be left in the hands of teenagers (they're nothing but angst and love triangles and poor foresight). The Worlds We Make is the conclusion and has all the same flaws as the second book. I do give a lot of kudos for the covers and the titles of all three books. They are all very lovely and intriguing.

Kaelyn and the gang are still on the run from the (evil?) Wardens, who are trying to capture the vaccine for the friendly flu that Kaelyn's father created. Kaelyn is desperate to get the vaccine to the CDC so it can be given to all of humanity. Like in book 2, there's lots of roadtripping, Kaelyn feeling angsty/guilty, and romantic entanglements.

The highlight of this book was Kaelyn's conversation with Michael, the supposed Big Bad of the series and the leader of the Wardens. Michael is more of an anti-hero than a true villain. He has consolidated power in his effort to save humanity. The world needs leadership, and he's going to give it, by the gun if necessary. He's not a bad guy, just a guy in desperate circumstances trying to hold things together. I liked this characterization, and kudos to Crewe for not just making the Big Bad evil.

Kaelyn's contact with the CDC is more frustrating.
SpoilerThe CDC doctor decides, against all better judgment and the Hippocratic Oath, to withhold the vaccine from anyone she deems unworthy. Because that makes sense. When the world has been destroyed, you want to make sure that there is MORE chaos and violence by withholding a necessity from terrified, dying people.

As this is obviously a stupid plan, Kaelyn & co. disagree. And actually figure out a solution so that everyone can get the vaccine. Huzzah!

So happy endings all around, except for the fact that society is in shambles and there’s no getting it back. I predict Michael will continue to be the warlord the Americas need (because even if everyone can get the vaccine, Michael still controls other resources, like food and medicine).

But at least Kaelyn can go back and live on her island with Leo, especially since Gav is conveniently dead so she doesn't have to make any difficult decisions about who she should make out with.