A review by finlaaaay
World Engines: Destroyer by Stephen Baxter


More mind-expanding bonkers sci-fi from Stephen Baxter. It's got whiffs of Brave New World, and mirrors of [b:Proxima|20893396|Proxima|Stephen Baxter|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1396830968l/20893396._SY75_.jpg|25216071], another of his novels. Bit of multiverse hopping, mysterious 9th planet, and spacefaring what-ho-ing Brits. Typically, I didn't love the characters a lot, but the storytelling more than makes up for it. I also saw that the characters come from another series, so I'm going to have to look into that to find out what's going on, I guess.