A review by jmckendry
China by Edward Rutherfurd


This book was absolutely wonderful. I normally don't read a lot of historical fiction (trying to get more into it) and I was definitely concerned that I would be bored with this book. I was totally wrong.

While many of the characters in this novel never existed in reality, the events that shaped them did actually happen, which was mind blowing to me. I had heard about the Opium Wars in the past, but besides very vague details, I didn't really know what happened.

If you like historical fiction, I HIGHLY recommend this book. The ending fell a little short for me, but I understand why. The story didn't "end" at the end of the book because history kept on going, but it definitely made me wish the author had actually written a bit more and gotten to a better closing point. Or maybe I just liked his writing so much that I wish it hadn't ended there. Either way, FANTASTIC book.