A review by riverbarret
Blackfish City by Sam J. Miller


Man, the first half had me totally convinced this was going to be a new favorite book, but alas.

There are a few things I liked, of course. The plot in this book is super character-driven, which is not usually something I gravitate towards. However, the characters were very compelling, and I really liked how the plot followed their reactions and personalities. I gelled with Miller's writing style, too. Lots of evocative descriptions and he has this way of giving expositional information that is actually compelling. Also, the queer/gender non-conforming representation was freaking awesome.

I had issues, though like
Spoiler one character being a point-of-view character to emphasize the more interesting parts of the book and then being killed off (I seriously didn't understand that)
and the
Spoiler nano-bonding to animals
which I found weird. I also feel like the second half of the book dragged a bit and the climax came out of nowhere. And I know blocking out the spoilers doesn't help anyone understand why I had issues, but whatever.

I still think this is a good book, and I am glad I picked it up. Thanks to my friend, Madison, for recommending it.

I look forward to reading more from this author.