A review by elliemcc11
Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan


When Anna is introduced to Dexter Styles, a mob leader, she has no idea how her life will change. Her father invites her along so she can spend time with Styles' daughter but Anna is more fascinated by the mob leader.

Set in NY during the 1930s-1940s this novel is an interesting reflection on pre war NY and the war effort. The naval yards are the key focus with Anna first working in parts manufacture and later qualifying to dive. During this time her father goes missing and she happens upon Dexter Styles again and is again fascinated. Styles is only too aware and is happy to be pursued. The relationship develops emotionally but Anna is also keen to establish what happened to her father.

This is part historical, part mystery. Whilst I enjoyed these aspects I was less keen on the detailed account of diving and shipwrecks. The societal aspects were much more interesting for me.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.