A review by mikepage7176
The Pawn by Steven James


This is my favorite thriller of all time. Only the most foolish of mice would hide in a cat's ear, but only the wisest of cats would look there. I picked this up years ago off a table at work full of free books to borrow during a break, and once I got started, I couldn't put it down. It's off the charts in its story telling, cleverly written, paced insanely well, and you won't guess the secret.

Without doubt the best story of the genre. It's weaving something you can't fully understand to start, but realize later how much larger it was than anticipated. It's not just a serial killer case; it has spy story elements, it hearkens back to the Jonestown massacre, issues of family and deaths, etc. James can set a scene so well, and his descriptions are unique but work great in this genre. An alarm at one point is described drum drum drum..., invading the flow of the story; a count down - Keep the countdown going in my head... 12... 11... I sped toward the steps...10... These types of things are fun to read, immersing you in the story a bit more than just narrative description. He jumps back and forth between view points, creating a tension that mounts and grows until it bursts. Some people you are rooting for don't make it to the end. The pacing is enthralling, you never rest, or hit large periods of exposition, to the point the hero doesn't even have time to process everything. You are stuck and pulled along with the protagonists in the rapid pace of the story. I've read the story once and listened to it once, and even though this was my second time reading, I was still shaking by the climax.

The characters are fun.
SpoilerEspecially the villains! To name them all would be a huge spoiler since you don't know how many their are until the end.
The Illusionist is so macabre, has background, and his sinister level is off the charts. The protagonist is confused, struggles to understand his place, how to relate to his step daughter. His boss is a pain in the neck. His friends have history, his romantic interest is complex and hard to understand.

I didn't know it's author's Christian background at the time (nor once the novel was completed - it's not evangelistic), but I felt that the parts that are often hard to relate to in other similar stories were noticeably missing from this one, and that was a huge plus. Overtly sexualized women, laissez faire attitudes towards sex, vulgarity, drug abuse, protagonists you can't stand, morally compromised heroes, etc., were all missing and I'm thankful. There's a reality to a guy who's lost a wife and struggles through it that this novel really embraces, but avoids the nihilistic approach so many of these deep dark heroes use to deal with the heaviness of their work. It's seems like it's the secondary plot but in many ways it keeps pushing through, just like real life.

I can't say enough about how much I love this story.