A review by skipper_schutt
Jim Henson's the Power of the Dark Crystal Vol. 1, Volume 1 by Simon Spurrier


Review: Power of the Dark Crystal

Jim Hensons sprawling and ambitious "The Dark Crystal" is anything but perfect. It's admirable for having some of the best world building, creature designs and production design in any film ever made, but it sadly has a pretty slow uneven narrative and poor writing. I like the film for its ambitions and the fact Jim Henson wanted to make this weird fantasy world and make it a bit more cerebral. He did have more hope that audiences would respond to The Dark Crystal and they didn't. The film bombed, it didn't help that in 1982 attention was all on E.T. that also used practical puppet to bring a character to life in a much more focused narrative.

Overtime, The Dark Crystal has gained a cult following of people who were either scared of it as a kid or just was awed by the world and characters. This led to a new comic series being released based on the world and a new Netflix series coming out in August based off the original. It will be interesting to see where the Netflix series takes place in the timeline and if it uses any lore explored here.

Once I saw the art in this thing- I knew I had to pick it up for it alone and the visual aspects of this comic never let me down. The nice hues and bright colors contrasted from dark grimy worlds really made this whole comic an identity that stayed true to the source material but gave it a new voice. It makes sense since the original was loved for its aesthetic that the comic would be as well.

Beyond just the art, The Power of the Dark Crystal has a strong narrative and actually improves upon a lot of the mistakes of the original. Fans of the original might not like the new characters taking the forefront or in general this feeling a little different- but this feels like a less elusive story then the original and I think that's a good way to go.

Jim Henson always say The Dark Crystal and his show Fraggle Rock as political statements on war and having to come together despite our differences. I think this comic understands that more then the original film itself. The conflict our two characters are facing is very difficult and they have to make difficult choices.

It does have some lazy exposition and rushed character motivations, but most of it is really compelling and certainly an improvement on the film. I’m giving this series an #8.0/10 and I’m excited to read volume 2.