A review by sephranix
Timeless by Gail Carriger


Ah, I dearly loved this series! I teared up a bit at the end from the sheer adrenaline and happy-ish ending.

A couple of notes:
- Biffy + Lyall <3<3
Ugh, but Conall finding about about Lyall's hand in the Kingair thing was terrible. :( Screw you, Felicity and Lady Kingair, ruining EVERYTHING.

-Floote, ah, Floote...well, I knew you were up to no good since you wouldn't tell Alexia everything, but it was still sad that you had to leave her. Knew you would save Conall for her! <3

-I love seeing Lord Akeldama as Prudence's guardian. It's adorable that he's so attached to her.

I want more of this series!