A review by the_dragon_starback
Once Upon a Time We Ate Animals: The Future of Food by Roanne van Voorst



This felt very disjointed, with many sections per chapter that didn’t always connect. Even within the sections there were strange transitions and topic switches. I also really did not enjoy the interludes set in the future, which were often rather bleak. 
Overall, I just did not find her argument for veganism compelling. I am convinced that vegetarianism, if not veganism, is a needed change, but focusing as much on the incredible amount of suffering we cause animals might not the way that change comes about. I think a lot of people know factory farming is happening. This isn’t new information. We might not need more information. 
I especially didn’t like the way that van Voorst talked about “carnism” and the “Protien Revolution,” painting everyone who eats meat or is in the meat industry as a bad person. This seems unnecessarily alienating to a lot of people. 
I think focusing on living lives of compassion and the way that veganism is essential to slowing climate change is more helpful (at least for me).