A review by souloftherose
Latchkey by Nicole Kornher-Stace


Latchkey is the sequel to Archivist Wasp which I read and enjoyed a couple of years ago. I didn’t expect a sequel (the storyline in AW is complete) so was excited to see Latchkey listed as part of the LibraryThing's Early Reviewer's programme recently.

For a description of Latchkey and AW I’m going to defer to the author’s description in the acknowledgements: ’a weird little cross-genre novel about a far-future post-apocalyptic ghosthunter priestess, the ghost of a near-future genetically-enhanced supersoldier, and their adventures in the underworld’

Latchkey is slow-moving in comparison with other young adult books but I enjoyed the slower pace and the focus on friendships between Isabel and the other upstarts and Isabel and the ghosts (it's very refreshing to read a YA book with absolutely no romance and I understand this is a deliberate choice on the author's part). Whilst the post-apocalyptic world can be dark the focus on friendships and the way the different people in the world end up coming together to try to help each other means there’s quite an optimistic feel overall.

Although the stories in each book are complete it still feels like there’s a lot to learn about the Before-time and what happened to the ghosts and to the world and I hope Kornher-Stace has plans to reveal more about these elements in future books.

I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.