A review by bclock
Silver Silence by Nalini Singh


As always, I really liked it! Easy 4 stars +1 for the audiobook.
I read and listened to this book during a weekend trip. The audiobook was amazing.

This is the story of Valentin, alpha bear-changeling, and Silver, head of the Psy-Merchant family. I liked the romance of the couple but I loved the introduction of a new changeling clan and the overall political development of the world more. Will definitely pick up the next book in the series.[b:Ocean Light|36147502|Ocean Light (Psy-Changeling Trinity, #2; Psy-Changeling, #17)|Nalini Singh|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1508961467s/36147502.jpg|57751289]

You can read this book without reading the Psy-Changeling Series first. BUT... I would recommend reading the other 15 books first. There are so many characters from the series that you do not know and get a better understanding for, if you read the first books. Besides that, I would imagine, that the political aspects of this world would be confusing without the information the other books give you.

I would recommend this book and the others in the series to anyone who wants to read a good paranormal / urban fantasy. I don't understand why it's not more popular.