A review by gretchenw1976
The Best Horror of the Year: Volume One by Ellen Datlow



There were 21 stories I only like 5.5 of those stories .5 because one was barely ok. This is the first edition of a series that has many editions. I do hope it gets better. Most of these stories weren’t even horror, more like thrillers and the two aren’t exactly the same. Quite a few of the stories were just plain stupid, and juvenile. 
 I read some where that there was a series before this, like this one, but the editor was different. I don’t know why it was changed. I wonder if it was better? I can’t imagine it was worse. Another thing is, there a lot of typos in this book. That is very irritating.
 To have a title claiming THE BEST HORROR OF THE YEAR, is quite a boast. One would think there would be some great quality between the pages. Geesh, even the stories I liked were far from the “the best” of anything. I don’t know where the editor was pulling from when she chose the stories and authors in this book, but if she thinks any of the stories and authors in this book are the best of anything, she must teach first grade. If this book was the best writing her first graders came up with and she published it, from the standpoint..ok sure,it wasn’t bad a book for first graders except it had really vulgar parts in so shame on her..lol