A review by trudyd
The Lost Daughters of Ukraine by Erin Litteken


The more books on World War Two that I read, the more I realize that I know nothing. High school and university classes glossed over the horrors. I can't remember one lesson detailing the suffering of the people of Ukraine. I might as well toss my AA in History in the trash. It no longer means anything. It is obvious after reading this story that I was taught very little detail. We need to be taught the details. We need to be taught the horrors. We can't let it happen again. I can't thank Erin Litteken enough for opening my eyes. You have encouraged me to learn more and remember.

My heart is breaking for those that suffered and struggled to survive in World War Two. I must admit that when I have thought of the war in the past I thought of France, Italy, Poland and England. There were so many more countries involved.

The Lost Daughters of Ukraine gives quite a detailed description of what it must have been like for those in Ukraine. I got a bird's eye view of the lives of children taken from their families and taken to forced labor camps. The atrocities that these innocents suffered have left me shocked. I was left speechless by their desire to survive, to gain freedom.

The children left parents behind when they were tossed onto the trucks and driven away. This book tells of the struggles of the parents left wondering where their child was and if the child was still alive. I honestly never thought about the turmoil the parents went through when they had to flee. How would their children know where they went? How would the parents survive the elements and lack of food and shelter.

The author didn't just give me knowledge about the people during the war. I had never realized how complicated it was for the workers in the Displacement Camps. They had to try and keep track of those that arrived and family members they were looking for. They were tasked with feeding more and more people every day. They gave them shelter. They gave them medical care. The strength that these works must have had while dealing with the survivors of the war must have awe inspiring.

The Lost Daughters of Ukraine deserves the reader's full attention. It is not a book to just gloss over or read with distractions. I honored those of Ukraine by giving the book my full attention. The tears fell. My stomach churned. The sadness grew and grew. Now feel an all encompassing sorrow for what was done to so many because some people thought they were better than others.