A review by vitsa
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells


I was expecting this to be a five star read and it really should have been. It is a book filled with fascinating and terrifying information about the way our climate is changing. But this was practically unreadable. It was a guide on how not to write non fiction. The author just threw facts and statistics at the reader with minimal analysis. There were so many insteresting things said and he never took the time to develop and dwell a little deeper, the let us make an emotional connection to what we was talking about. You could take any of the chapters in the first section and make a book of them. Air pollution affects cognitive function, that’s scary, give us a bit more context, something to connect too. Large swaths of the ocean are dying, that is so fascinating, why didn’t we spend a bit more time on that and what it means for the various things that lived there. rHe tried to encompass too much and the result was a dense, difficult and damn painful book to read, and I don’t mean because of how terrifying the facts of climate change are.

It improved a bit towards the end. I liked the section about where were heading in the future and all the ways humanity is trying to avoid instead of solve the problem. I am looking forward to the tv adaptation, I expect they can take this mass of information and make it a bit more suited for us the everyday consumer.