A review by chrissyp
One Way or Another by Mary J. Williams


I am SO hooked on the Benedict sisters!!! This story is more than a story about how Calder and Adam meet and fall in love, which, of course, they do. And that part of the story is full of fun, excitement, anticipation....all of the things that make a perfect love story. But this book is also a story about four sisters who have only ever had each other to depend on. They love each other fiercely and are strong for each other. They certainly couldn't depend on their self absorbed but lovable mother who is determined to never grow old and too wrapped up in her own little world to realize that her daughters may need a mothers advice and love. Thank goodness they have the sweet and motherly Mrs. Finch for that. I could go on and on about this book, but I'm sure I'd give too much away, and I wouldn't want to be responsible for ruining such an experience for someone else. I absolutely cannot wait to read more about this amazing group of sisters!!