A review by katherineep
The Cunning Cruise Ship Caper by Sally Carpenter


I really liked the Sandy Fairfax/Ernest Farmington character. He was very flawed, sometimes obnoxious but also genuinely nice. He came across as a very real character who was honest with himself about the highs and lows of being a former celebrity. I loved the cruise ship setting and the behind the scenes look that we as readers got through Sandy. I liked the relationship between Sandy and his sister as well as between Sandy and his fan club. The mystery itself is well done and well paced. While I had some hints as to the who it was still interesting to get there.
One of the things that annoys me frequently in cozy mysteries is the amateur detective and Sandy is definitely an amateur detective. He asks questions from people who have no reason to answer him and sticks his nose where it doesn't belong regardless of personal risk and requests of law enforcement.

Overall: This is definitely a cozy with the amateur detective, a cast of somewhat over the top characters and mostly off screen violence. While it wasn't perfect it was an entertaining read . It is the 3rd in the series it can easily be read as a standalone.

Full Review: http://iwishilivedinalibrary.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-cunning-cruise-ship-caper-blog-tour.html