A review by kaity_b
Arctic Sun by Annabeth Albert


3 stars

this was like a mm version of [b:The Simple Wild|36373564|The Simple Wild (Wild, #1)|K.A. Tucker|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1549373129l/36373564._SY75_.jpg|58060835], with a bush pilot and a city liver.

The way that Alaska was described in this book made me want to get on the nearest plane and go explore.

I do think that Griff and River were a good balance, but they had their own issues that they had to figure out first before they dove head first in to the relationship. I will say that the main issue/breakup scene was annoying but I liked how to me it didn't feel as drawn out as it could have been. ALSO Trigger warnings for eating disorders, and alcoholism. Those were two very big aspects with the main characters so if that is something you can't read about or don't want to trigger yourself then I recommend giving this book a pass.

I wished for more of an epilogue, the story kinda ended abruptly, but maybe the next book will have hints of them in there. I know it is a whole new couple too.

Cooper North also did a good job with narrations, but honestly I am excited for Iggy Toma to narrate.. haha