A review by humatariq
The Gods of Guilt by Michael Connelly


It has been a few books since I last sat up late in the night to finish a book. It's 3am now and I know I'm going to be late for work in the morning. There's something about this series that I absolutely love. Well maybe, a lot of things. For starter, it's a courtroom thriller just like Perry Mason. But while Mason was almost always on the side of truth, Haller is a flawed character that can't seem to catch a break. I like his conviction that defense lawyers should give best defense to their clients. I have grown up reading John Grisham and strongly advocate about "innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt". I understand that these are the rules of the society which we need to abide by. But I am always surprised at the disdain showed to lawyers who decide to presumably defending a guilty client. I have seen it in real life too where experienced lawyers often are seen as partners in crime to the allegedly corrupt politicians they are representing. Connelly tackles this topic from the start of this series as Haller is a defense attorney and I guess it is addressed here most directly. Haller's
Spoiler own daughter is not speaking to him because she blames him from successfully defending a criminal who later was responsible for the death of her classmate.
I am disappointed that Connelly did not write about Haller's District Attorney campaign in detail, but flash forwards to after his defeat. I would have loved to read about his campaign with his daughter and ex-wife at his side...a happy Haller is a rare find in this series. Plus I would have love to read about the details of how DA elections are held.
As I finish this book, I am aware that it's been a few years since a new book in this series had been written. I am dreading that Connelly is tired of this protagonist now and wants to finish this series. I hope not as I haven't got enough of Haller yet.