A review by cassie_gutman
Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols


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It's no question that Jennifer Echols is ah-mazing. Seriously. Her writing is fabulous, lots of descriptors without being overwhelming, interesting characters, and a cool, fun new twist on some kind of topic that's the main plot. So I kind of went into it assuming I was going to like it.

Surprisingly, I did enjoy the book, but I really did not like the main characters all that much. Bailey was okay, and I liked her better than Sam. She is angry that her parents basically ditched her after Julie gets a contract, which is understandable. She spends the whole novel trying to connect with her sister and stay away from her parents, being angry, but also obeying them to stay under the radar so people don't find out she's Julie's sister. However, Bailey introduces herself with a different last name, so this actually works. No one ever suspects her of being this other girl's sister, and the only ones that know are the two people she actually tells. She just worries all the time and seems to spend too much effort trying to please every single character in the book, while also being a rebel? Please.

Sam was a different story. I really just hated him. He was written very well, so it wasn't annoying to read or anything, but he was one of those that made me so mad I wanted to reach in the book and throw fruit at him or something. Anything! The whole time, I just felt like he had ulterior motives and wasn't as honest or true or normal as he could be to Bailey or his friends. His friend, Ace, was actually my favorite character in the book. A member of the band, he was the only level-headed, grounded person, and he seemed like a really funny sweet guy, and I wish he could have been featured a little bit more.

Other than the characters pissing me off quite a bit, I still did enjoy reading this. Like I said, you really can't go wrong picking up an Echols book, you always get a good story, regardless of whether or not you love the characters or want to punch them in the throat. So yep, pretty good.

Read When: You need an Echols fix, you want a healthy dose of competition, or you're feeling a little bit rebellious.