A review by saj_81
Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner


I have conflicted feelings about this book. On the one hand I did find some bits funny or interesting. On the other hand though, I was mostly annoyed by the main character and her constant complaining.

- My number one annoyance was the way Cannie was completely self-centered and rude through the whole book. She said nasty things to others, wasn't there for her friends when they needed her and didn't even consider the possibility that she might be wrong about something. All the time I expected there to be some consequenses, that she would have to apologize for some things and accept responsibility like an adult. This never happened and she continued to be the same whiny and self-centered b..person to the end.

- A lot of stuff happens in this book and a big part of it is just ridiculous. A superstar best friend, instant success and wealth, a perfect man completely in love with you, a brand new appartment that someone else decorated for you with their own money? I like to dream too, but there's a limit to everything.

- I found Cannie to be unbelievable (and unlikable) as a character. Supposedly she is pretty self-confident and succesfull. She is pretty obsessed with fashion and looking good (that is even one of her main worries when her baby is in the hospital...does the baby look good in this hat?). At the same time she is described as a tragic victim, because her daddy didn't love her and now she feels ugly. Self-confident or lacking in self esteem? The author couldn't decide.

- I did like that character of Dr. K though. A bit stalky, sure, but adorable anyhow. He failed me once though. When Cannie asks him advice about the effects of alcohol on pregnancy, the Doctor (!) goes to borrow a book from "one of the girls"! I'm sorry, but isn't this common knowledge? I could answer this question without a book, so shouldn't a doctor be able to do that? You fail at research, Ms. Weiner.

As a summary, a pretty irritating book with a few laughs (mainly from playing with words, nothing to do with the story or the characters). I'm not inspired to read anything else by this author.