A review by thebookguru
Sofia Khan is Not Obliged, by Ayisha Malik



so this book is good. it's funny and cute and RELATABLE. Why? well because the main character is a hijabi Muslim woman living in London. she's working in publishing too! It's also set in South London where I live so everything is very familiar.

the plot? Sofia accidentally pitches a book about Muslim Dating (the halal way of course) and they love it so she has to actually WRITE A BOOK ON THE MUSLIM DATING SCENE. haha. hilarity ensues.

It's written in diary form and yes she can be quite ditzy and stupid (she can't cook which i think is unacceptable. like you don't have to make biryani but you can at least use the kitchen without burning something smh). So Sofia is a practicing Muslim meaning she prays five times a day and is conscious of her faith in every day life.

Tbh i didnt really bond with all her friends. I like Suj but that's the only one.
i also didnt really like her sister Maria. and ALL of the brown guys were pretty useless (which on the one hand is true but then it's like????? there must be SOME decent brown Muslim guys? idk i havent met any tbh).

Conall. he is the best thing about this book tbh. okay well 2nd best. i love Conall. He is a great character. very unrealistic. I HAVEN'T MET ANY CUTE IRISH GUYS NEXT DOOR?! um rude.

PRAISE THE LORD FOR THIS BOOK AND FOR THE ENDING. i am so glad for the ending honestly it was such a relief after all the bloody DRAMA.

i guess this may have been inspired by Bridget Jones? idk. coz she seemed to be TOO STUPID at times.

Naim is a loser don't fall for his charms he is a total player.
as for Imran let's not even go there.


so if you like books about love, relationships, dating, friends, family or want to know more about British Pakistanis or just read a funny book then try this!!!

Similar books: No Sex and the City by Randa Abdel Fattah and The Story of Maha by Sumayya Lee (both feature amazing Muslim women and are funny but also deal with various issues)

Happy Reading!

p.s there are some really good quotes. my fave being:

Naim: Your hijab is like a social condom
Sofia: yes. to protect me from socially transmitted diseases. like you.'