A review by coolcurrybooks
Like a Boss by Adam Rakunas


Like a Boss is the sequel to Adam Rakunas’s rousing sci-fi novel, Windswept. I’m not sure if I enjoyed it quite as much as the first book, but it was a good companion when I was sick in bed with a cold.

Former Union organizer Padma Mehta has finally achieved her dream: she’s bought her favorite distillery and settled into a well deserved retirement. Sure, she’s working a lowly slot in waste management too and lots of people are mad at her for the events of last book, but you can’t have everything.

But Padma’s peaceful retirement is not to last long. Evanrute Saarien, the antagonist from the last book, has just gotten out of prison, and he’s started a cult. And he’s telling all his followers to go on strike. Including the workers at Padma’s distillery. Then, the Union president starts demanding that Padma prevent the strike, and that’s only the beginning of Padma’s problems…

The good news is that I still really love Padma as a heroine. She’s got this brassy confidence that makes her so great to read about. However, I wish there were more overlap in the supporting characters from the last book. I miss Jilly! How come we didn’t get to see her? Besides Saarien (and he basically doesn’t count), the only returning character I noticed was the chief of police. I like her, but I think series are strongest when the build up a good supporting cast, more than just one or two characters. In general, I don’t think the supporting cast was as good as Padma.

I’m glad that Like a Boss continues to address Padma’s mental health issues. It was an interesting aspect of the first book, and it’s developed more here. Padma has something she calls the Fear (I read it as intense anxiety), and she’s been treating it with a nightly ritual of a sip of a specific rum. Hence, her obsession with owning the distillery and maintaining her supply.

I found the plot of Like a Boss confusing, and I don’t know how much of that was because I was sick and how much of that was because of the book. Sometimes I would have to skip back and read a few pages again, and I’m still not sure I understand what the villain’s motivation was. On the other hand, even if Like a Boss was confusing, I still enjoyed the ride. All in all, I can’t wait for book three.

Originally posted on The Illustrated Page.