A review by jayvall
BIGLAW by Lindsay Cameron


Although I never worked at a large law firm, I worked at a mid-size firm with a Napoleon complex, so I got treated as though I worked in Big Law but without the pay to salve my wounds. So, all the outlandish things Mackenzie experiences were not all that outlandish to me. In fact, at one point I started to get PTSD as flashbacks of getting yelled at ran through my head. So on the one hand, this was a hard book to enjoy, but on the other, in case you were wondering, it's pretty true to life.

This book falls into my personal category of "sure you can write a book about what you've lived through, but do you have another book in you", which is maybe unfair at this point since this is Lindsay Cameron's only book. But there's a lot of these roman a clefs where the protag has an insane job that no one would believe, does something to get herself fired, and then ends up sitting in the sunshine, a happier, more calm, zen version of themselves. Inevitably, the second book, if there even is a second book, is a snore. So I guess what I'm saying is, I liked this, and I'd be interested in seeing what else Cameron has in her, but I'm also going to manage my expectations.