A review by gabmc
A Friend Like Henry by Nuala Gardner


This is a really lovely true story of the impact a golden retriever called Henry had on a boy with autism. When Dale Gardner was born, his mother Nuala, as a nurse and midwife, was alert and in tune with his behaviour and temperament. When Dale didn't seem to be meeting baby milestones, her arduous journey started with trying to find a diagnosis for Dale as well as the best therapy. She was convinced that Dale had autism even when doctors and psychologists said otherwise. Luckily she kept pushing and fighting for him and researched into anything that might help. By the time Dale was three, he had lost most of his ability to speak and had major tantrums most days. Family friends bred golden retrievers and Nuala had learned that a dog may benefit Dale. Dale named the dog Henry (after the Thomas the Tank Engine train) and almost immediately there was a change in Dale. The influence of Henry on the whole family was amazing, but the effect on Dale was miraculous. My favourite quote, quoted by the author is:
“To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice, though in as much as he had four legs, a tail and barked, I admit he was, to all outward appearances. But to those of us who knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman.”