A review by chaeopteryx
The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone


OK, now that its NOT like 1:00 AM I will leave a slightly more eloquent review.

The way Irving Stone describes marbel makes me foam at the mouth. Like, never before have I seen - love, admiration, desire, how do you even describe it? - portrayed so well. Michealangelo is so obsesssed and engrossed with his work, I love it. I'm always down for the self-destructive tendencies that comes with love for an activity. And the background issue of the political/religious climate really helps set the scene and provides for interesting issues.

Might count as a spoiler but I don't know hwoo ti coudl becasue Michealangelo is like;;; a real person? But when he disects the bodies I was literally nauseous. It was described so well I felt like I was gonna be sick. Fucking amazing, Irving Stone.

5/5, in love, such good description, made me wanna engage with marbel in way I will not say.