A review by katherinesshelf
A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen


DNF at 8%.

Thank you to Netgalley and Del Rey for this advance readers copy.

i’m going to be honest, i wanted to stop reading in chapter 1 but i said to myself, really try to push through because this is an arc and i should really give it a chance. well i gave it 3 chances, since i read chapters 1, 2, and 3.

the first line of this book really set the tone for me and chapter 1 just completely went downhill. maybe i was supposed to be having a good time with this but i felt like i was reading a annoying romance book with the tiniest sprinkle of fantasy.

meeting the love interest in chapter 1 is always a red flag for me especially when the author makes it so obvious. additionally, the female main character felt recycled to me, she truly felt like someone i’ve read before and not in a good way.

in conclusion, i think this author is just not for me because i seem to be in the minority of the reviews. and i hate to give this book a 1 star but you know when something annoys you from the start and then all the sudden everything starts annoying you? that’s how this book was for me.

i hope others enjoy this one.