A review by writingandwhimsy
Heir of Fates by Rowan Redfield


Thank you to the author and publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

The worldbuilding and magic system: 4.5/5
The worldbuilding was very well thought out, and it was carefully explained over the course of the book. There wasn’t any info dumping I could recall, and I liked the inclusion of there being different gods that the different cultures/societies worshipped, and how that caused conflict between them. It was also interesting how the different species (elf, mysae, human) all had different abilities. I also liked how well thought out the history of the world is, and I’m looking forward to learning more about the world’s history and cultures.

The characters: 4.5/5
The characters all had different, interesting backgrounds, and I liked how diverse they were, but I felt they were a little underdeveloped, especially when you take into account how lengthy the book is. Maura’s arc felt rushed, and it didn’t feel like Silas had a strong arc.I liked Seraphine’s character arc, but I wish Nerisha had been included more.. In terms of the relationships, Maura and Silas felt rushed, and I didn’t sense much chemistry. I liked Seraphine and Rhyannon, and I think they had chemistry, but they also felt rushed. Perhaps I’m biased, because I prefer slowburn relationships. Overall, I liked the characters, but I’m hoping to see more clear character development over the course of the series and that isn’t too fast paced.

The plot: 4/5
The plot was a little hard to get into at first, but over the course of the book, more and more tension began to build up. However, it did feel as if not much happened during the first half of the book, but I suppose it was still setting up the story, and that would take a lot of time with so many characters. The flashbacks to the past were quite enjoyable to read, and I liked how we slowly got to learn more about the character’s parents. In the second half, the story also became drastically fast paced - at least compared to how it had been earlier - and the ending felt a little rushed. 

Overall, I am excited to see what might happen in the next installment in the series.