A review by abarrile
Allegra Fairweather by Janni Nell


Allegra Fairweather is a paranormal investigator who has traveled to Scotland to see a paranormal rose that seems to be causing trouble in a small loch village. What else would a paranormal investigator be doing? Well, she is in Scotland, and discovers that--oh mi gosh!--her employer is HOT. I think Douglas is kind of slimy, and shorter than her! It doesn't work for him like it does for Henry from Blood Ties.

So Allegra starts investigating this whole rose thing and hears a banshee wailing, then people turn up dead, and of course she has to investigate that, too, and wow, it all ends up being part of the same dastardly scheme plotted by...Well, I can't tell you, because it would spoil the mystery.

Here's the part you won't expect--Allegra and her sexy guardian angel don't walk into the mist holding hands. You heard me. No HEA! What's up with that? I didn't even love the book, but now I have to get the next one as soon as it comes out because I have to find out if she gets the sexy angel! Ugh!

Bit of a slow starter, but it picked up about a quarter of the way through. I also took off a star because the ending seemed a bit too hurried and convenient. I really like the second half of the book, though. (Besides the ending.)

Allegra was a likable, if a bit unemotional, character, and Casper was a smokin' hot sidekick, but I would've liked to see Allegra acting more competent. She talks about being able to take care of herself and being tough, but she never proves it with actions. Casper is always swooping in to rescue her, and what does she do? Get pissed that he didn't come sooner, of course. Psht.

Some of the coincidences in the story were a bit... too coincidental, and that threw me off too much to actually get involved in the plot for more than five minutes, but I really liked the characters. I don't know what it was about them, but they did their absolute best to draw me into a story that wasn't all that interesting.

In conclusion, Nell is good at characters, bad at plots, and has forced me into adding the next book to my TBR, if there is another coming. I assume that there is, though, based on the ending.