A review by angelpayne
Acquisition by Chelle Bliss


You guys, this book. THIS BOOK!! Where do I start? Seriously?
Let me say, first of all, that I really loved all of Chelle Bliss's Men of Inked books. The Gallos are near and freakin' dear to my heart. But holy eff, make way for the Fortes--and the books that I sincerely hope shall be written about them after this stunning introduction. Good freaking lord, that Antonio Forte...he's every inch a dark, gorgeous, incredible Italian lover--including that key element of setting his sights on our heroine, and simply deciding he's going to use every damn trick in his oh-so-freaking-sexy arsenal to win her over. Honest to eff, this man and his persistence...Good Holy GAWWWD...
And have I mentioned that he owns an island, too? An ISLAND! Let your imagination run with THAT, kids...
But believe it or not, the best part of this story is NOT Antonio--because we all know that any incredible hero is only as good as the heroine with which he is paired. Enter our beautiful Lauren, who is driven by emotion but not ruled by it; who is smart but not smart-alecky; who possesses juuust enough of an edge to give Antonio a damn fine run for his money. She's not even swayed by his freaking island. She simply wants his heart...but is afraid to take it, even when he offers it. Her conflict is real, and rooted in real concerns that ANY woman who's been in business (at ANY level) can definitely relate to in these crazy times.
The result is a gorgeous, sweeping, incredible, BEAUTIFUL romance that'll have you one-clicking for Book 2 as fast as you can!! And believe me, you'll be thanking me for the recommendation when you do!
Brava! WHAT an amazing job!