A review by omemiserum
Politics As a Vocation by Max Weber


Weber's ode to the career politician! But also like, the inevitable contradictions and ethical dilemmas that go hand in hand with political leadership, because politics and statehood are all about violence and who gets to control and threaten its legitimate use, plus the unbearable reconciliation of the ethics of conviction and responsibility, which is A Whole Thing (do the ends always justify the means? Do intentions matter more than the consequences, and can we be judged and held politically culpable for these unintended consequences? Fuck you, Immanuel Kant, consequentialism! And fuck you, Tony Blair, for consistently bringing up the moral righteousness of your intentions when people try to hold you accountable for what happened in the Iraq War! In politics, as in life, unintended consequences are the name of the game).

But hey, pretty good :)