A review by alice_gibson
Stumped by Kate Larkindale


I was in a reading slump and although I have hundreds of books on my kindle nothing was grabbing me or rather fitting the mood I was in ... last chance saloon - before tantrum - Stumped. I loved reading this book. The characters were all rounded and seen for Ozzy's perspective so they grew to a whole as you journeyed through the book.

Ozzy's adventures to get laid offer you a myriad of emotions from laugh out loud to 'I'm crying on the inside'. A delicate age for any teenager, add in a body changing accident and you have a confused, desperately unhappy young man trying to redefine his place in the world. I would absolutely love there to be a sequel as there were a few issues I need to see resolved - his relationship with his Dad, Finn becoming wonderful (perhaps his own story), and his mother really deserves a love interest. Also a major event was just about to knock Ozzy to the ground again and it would be interesting to see how he copes with that and returning to school.

Thoughout the novel, the writing is top quality. There are no bits that lag. Ozzy is never annoying when he could so easily have been. It is nicely paced. Fingers crossed we get more from this family!