A review by bookedandbusybookblog
Balance Check by M.E. Carter


I absolutely fell in love with M.E. Carter’s book, Getting a Grip. Although I just recently read it, I’ve been dying for the continuation of Elena and Greg’s story.

If you haven’t read Getting A Grip, please do not read this post as it will contain spoilers!!!

Greg had to leave the love of his life, Elena, behind to follow his crazy ex-wife and their daughter to a new city. Greg is a father who wants to be present in his daughter’s life no matter what the cost.

Elena is completely and utterly heartbroken but understands Greg’s reason for leaving. However, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and Elena is back in full force. Recently hired as a secretary at her kids’ elementary school with more self-esteem than before, things are looking up for her. Hell, even the hot, young teacher Tripp is interested in going out to dinner with her.

But Elena’s not sure if she’s ready. And just when she thinks she is...Greg is home and ready to get back to the relationship they once had.

I loved Balance Check. Elena understood Greg’s leaving but was hesitant when he returned. Greg is doing everything he can for his daughter, Elena and her girls. I love that this relationship isn’t perfect. Flaws, self doubt, and life just get in the way. I truly appreciate the way

“A balance check is a way of taking a pause in the middle of your routine so you can readjust so you don’t fall.”

I adore M.E. Carter’s work. It’s made me laugh, I’ve cried my eyes out and I have a little more of an understanding of life with each book I read of hers.